To Do List From God By Joanna Fuchs

I ran my life in search of worldly things;
My time and will were firmly in control.
I thought I had no need for what God brings;
I gave no heed to murmurs from my soul.

“You’re planning, doing all the time,” it said,
“But something else is missing deep inside.
Your mind is whirling, but your heart is dead,
So turn to God and let go of your pride.”

I did, and God said, “Here’s My plan for you:
Give your life to Me, and just let go.
Have faith and pray, and read the Bible through,
And you’ll have blessings more than you can know.”

So simple, yet it brings me perfect peace,
Living life for God the way I should.
Direction, purpose, fullness and release—
Life with God is very, very good.
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1 comment:

  1. The Christian poem above, To Do List From God, is a Christian verse that focuses on how much better and more peaceful life is when we move away from worldly things and closer to Jesus.

    Christian poems often talk about the transition to Christianity.This poem for Christians is for those who remember what their lives were like before being saved. To Do List from God is a Christian poem about Christians, also a Christian rhyme, that reveals how the stresses of the world and our need to plan and control things can make life difficult.

    When we turn it all over to God, life becomes so much more peaceful and satisfying, as this Christian poem says.


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Josephine A.

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