Asking Jesus to be your forever friend is as easy as..

Admit that you have done wrong things and can't do anything to get to heaven on your own.

Believe that Jesus died on the cross and came back to life to life again to rescue you from the trouble caused by your sins.

Choose to accept Jesus' free gift and follow him.

You can be forever friends with Jesus right now by saying this prayer like this:

Dear Jesus, I NEED YOU. I am sorry that I have done wrong things that have made you sad. But I BELIEVE that you died on the cross to make up for the wrong things I have done. Jesus, please be my BEST FRIEND, and show me the right way to live. I want to live FOREVER with YOU in HEAVEN someday.

Is this the same prayer you had in your heart? If it is, say this prayer right now.


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Hugs &and Kisses,

Josephine A.

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