Books For Your Little Brothers & Sisters!

Every night is story-telling time for us!  So, Im going to share a few of our favorite children's books that our mom reads to us! Enjoy! :-)

 I Love You Stinky Face (By: Lisa McCourt)

If you want to browse some pages of the book, click the link:

This book is  really heart warming.. It is one of my favorite bedtime story books. Whenever my mom reads this to me, I cry.. This book is about a mother's great love for her child, no matter who he is.

Five Minutes' Peace (By: Jill Murphy)

                    Click here if you want to check and purchase this book.

This funny book reminds me of how my little sister and I used to pester our mom when we are still  very young. Mommy Elephant just wants to have five minutes' peace, but her kids wouldn't allow her.

Love You Forever (By:Robert Munsch)

                                I highly recommend this book. You can get a copy from here.

This is another heart warming , tear-jerker story book which my sister and I love. This tells of the undying love of a mother to her son. Get a big roll of tissue paper before you read this.

When I Was Little: A Four-Year-Old's Memoir of Her Youth (By: Jamie Lee Curtis)

                                                Go to this link if you want to purchase.

I remember my childhood with this playful narrative of a little girl's growing up years. I was surprised that the actress whom I have known in movies like "Freaky Friday" and "True Lies" is a children's book author!


  1. Love You Forever!!! :')
    I remember when our mom reads it to us!!!

  2. Love You Forever is one of my favorite children's books. My dad gave it to my mom when I was born (I'm the oldest in my family) and she still has it. :)


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Hugs &and Kisses,

Josephine A.

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