My Talented Bestie

We have so many things in common. For example , our birthday falls on the exact month and day.
We are both passionate in photography, blogging and reading books.
We have the same favorite TV shows and songs and singer. And above all, we share the same faith.
Another co-incidence is both our moms are from UST and both their birthdays fall on January.
He has only one brother and I have only one sister. Isn't that awesome?

His name is Dan. (I failed to mention that it's another similarity for my second name is Danielle.)
He is one talented person. He excels in many things and he tries to be the best in everything he puts his heart into. He's great in video making, photography, floor ball, target shooting and arts.

            Here is a  fantastic video he made that I really like!

a sample of his photography

 Dan, target shooting in action

I'm so glad he is my  best friend and he considers me the same. He's almost like a brother that I never had. God surely blessed the day I met him in my Homeschool community.
I've never had a friend like him." :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I never realized how very much alike you and Dan are.


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Hugs &and Kisses,

Josephine A.

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